On the afternoon of June 16, 2022, the national government “Jinghu Lake” seminar-- the 9th Academic Salon, which was the trade union brand-building activity of Southwest Jiaotong University, was held in conference room 01212, Jiuli Campus.
Zhao Yue, Associate Professor of the School of Law of Sichuan University, was specially invited to this activity and shared his opinion on the theme “the Construction and Development Perspective of the Market in the Context of Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality”. Wu Yu, Zhang Qianwen, Yang Shan, Wang Siqi, Wang Luhao, Liu Xin, Wang Xiangyang, and other teachers and students participated in the meeting and had a vehement discussion. Teacher Zhu Kuibin served as the host of this activity.

In the beginning, teacher Zhu Kuibin briefly introduced the background and significance of holding the academic seminar and introduced the experts who attended the seminar. And then teacher Deng Juntao, Assistant to the Dean, on behalf of the School, welcomed teacher Mr. Zhao and hoped that through communications, students can access various academic thoughts out of campus and accumulate more materials, which will become the source of their future academic writing, including the source of their dissertation topics.

The meeting included two parts:
The first part was theme sharing. The speaker gave an extremely informative and inspiring presentation on the construction and development perspective of the carbon market under the background of carbon peak and carbon neutrality, especially on the policies and regulations and academic hot issues pertinent to carbon neutrality, and carbon peak.
The second part was theme discussion and free discussion. Teachers Wu Yu and Zhang Qianwen served as the main speakers. And then all the teachers and students participating in the meeting discussed the theme together.
During the theme-sharing session, teacher Mr. Zhao as a major speaker delivered a keynote speech on “Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality Policy and Carbon Market of China”. The speech included five parts: global climate governance; concepts interpretation of carbon peak and carbon neutrality; the national and corporate path on carbon peak and carbon neutrality; development, problem, and the prospect of carbon market; and individual carbon neutrality.

Firstly, teacher Mr. Zhao pointed out that climate change was one of the significant global environmental problems today, and generally analyzed the historical evolution of global climate governance. In addition, Mr. Zhao interpreted the concepts of carbon peak and carbon neutrality and put forward paths to respond to climate change: mitigation was the solution; the “dual carbon” target was more than “carbon reduction”, and gave a detailed analysis of the current situation of “carbon peak” and “carbon neutrality” in China. With regard to the third part-- the national and corporate path on carbon peak and carbon neutrality, Mr. Zhao summarized the overall paths and expounded on five structures and governance support, and analyzed the building of the carbon emission trading market as the market tool on the basis of the history of carbon emissions trading market, laws, policy system, specific system design, development condition of the carbon market, problems and perspectives, and legal attributes of carbon emission quota layer by layer. Furthermore, in the part of development, problem, and perspective of the carbon market, Mr. Zhao introduced the carbon trading condition of the whole country, discussed the legal attributes of carbon emission rights in European Union and China, and analyzed the development prospects of the national carbon market. Finally, Mr. Zhao illustrated individual carbon neutrality, including individual carbon footprint management, individual participation in carbon emission trading and carbon inclusion, individual carbon accounts, etc.

When it came time for discussion, teachers and students were involved in a heated discussion about the speech delivered by teacher Mr. Zhao. Firstly, teacher Wu Yu exchanged views with Mr. Zhao on the status quo of relevant legislation and the improvement of supporting regulations and discussed the topic of carbon emission trading attributes, and Mr. Zhao considered it as a right based on the administrative license. Teacher Zhu Kuibin talked with Mr. Zhao about how to address climate change litigation from the judicial perspective and analyzed it from the perspective of public interest litigation and private interest litigation. Teacher Zhang Qianwen communicated with Mr. Zhao about the topic of global climate governance and rising sea levels, and sustainable development in the aspects of environmental protection and social green transformation, and discussed the possible data fraud problem with the participation of third-party verification institutions or individuals. In the free discussion, Wang Siqi, Liu Xin, Wang Luhao, and other teachers and students asked some questions and discussed several topics including rights attributes, individual survival rights, carbon emission trading rights system, and accessible paths of relative research resources.
The national governance “Jinghu Lake” seminar--the 9th academic salon culminated in vehement discussion among teachers and students. The next academic salon is under preparation, please pay attention to it.